Day 16: Learn About Gratitude

Gratification quote

Happy Monday! As we continue talking about giving thanks for the week of Thanksgiving, today is day 16: learn about gratitude.  The inspiration for this post comes from the book I am currently reading: Authentic Happiness by Martin E.P. Seligman. Here we go! In this book, Seligman distinguishes between happiness in the past, present, and […]

Day 14: Make a Habit of Self-Care

Make a habit of self-care list

Well folks, we made it to Saturday! On this lovely weekend, I want to focus on relaxation.  So here we go with day 14: make a habit of self-care.  This means doing something meant to relax and rejuvenate you so you can show up in the world as the best version of yourself. Ladies who […]

Day 13: Challenge Yourself To 20 Minutes

Challenge yourself graphic

Happy Friday! I am ending the week with day 13: challenge yourself to 20 minutes.  20 minutes of what you ask?  I encourage you to exercise for 20 minutes (minimum), but it can also be more than that! Ways to Meet This Challenge 20 minutes isn’t that long right?  It is the amount of time […]

Day 12: Don’t Forget to Dance!

Don't forget to dance

We are almost through the week! Thursday means it is time for day 12: don’t forget to dance.  Of course, I want you to dance again today!  You can either dance to your own song and beat or you could indulge a little flashback below: Laugh at yourself learning to do the Hoedown Throwdown  Now […]

Day 11: Share Your Habit Hacks

Share Your Habit Hacks Graphic

Happy Hump Day! On this lovely Wednesday, join me in welcoming day 11: share your habit hacks!  Similar to last week’s intention of share, I encourage the sharing of advice, tips, and/or encouragement for others on their wellness journey. Share your ‘hacks’ What do I mean by this?  Think about what ‘hacks’ make exercising, eating […]

Day 10: Love Your Routines

Love Your routines Graphic

And we are back at Tuesday Does anyone else find it strange that the weeks are just an endless loop of the same thing repeated over and over again?  Wake up, workout, work, eat, work, workout, eat, sleep… This weird reflection seems fitting on the week we are focusing on routines right?  Anyway, today is […]

Day 9: Learn About Exercise Habits

Learn about exercise habits graphic

Happy Monday! It is time for day 9: learn about exercise habits.  On Mondays, I want to focus on helping you learn about something related to the week’s theme.  So today I will be sharing simple ways to help make a exercise habit easier! It’s Time to Learn I’ll start with some background information on […]

Day 7: Reflect on The Week

Get outside and reflect

We made it to Saturday! Welcome to day 7: reflect on the week.  Today is pretty simple.  All I want you to do is take some time to think about how this week went for you. Get outside while you reflect I personally believe in the importance of getting outside every day!  So I challenge […]

Day 6: Challenge Yourself

Challenge Yourself Quote

Welcome to Friday! And along with this lovely Friday is Day 6: Challenge Yourself.  So in honor to that, I want you to challenge yourself/your body in at least one way today. Let’s Start by Talking Comfort Zones The above quote is one that I have posted on my inspiration board: “Only those who risk […]

Day 5: Dance it out!

Day 5: Dance it out graphic

Welcome to Thursday! Today is another cardio day!  And going along with that, we have day 5: Dance it out!  By this, I mean start or end your workout with a dance.   Or make your entire workout a dance!  Read on for some guidance! Try One of These Dance Workouts on YouTube 20-minute STRONG by […]