Go for a Hike – With a Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenger hunt list of things to find!

Seriously, get outside! Am I the only one who feels like this summer has been insanely hot?  I am all about getting outside and enjoying nature.  I’ll admit that there have been days this summer that it has been hard due to the heat.  Now that the weather is more tolerable (and it’s almost my […]

My First Barre Experience

Let’s Head to the Barre Believe it or not, but I have never done a barre workout before!  I figured it was about time to try one out, so I went to YouTube to see what was out there!  Most of the popular barre workouts were by PopSugar Fitness so I was a little nervous […]

At-Home Science Experiments Using Your Body!

I can do science using my body!

Science is cool! Did you know you can do at-home science experiments using your body?! Plus no materials needed! And no mess to clean up. So read on and learn about how cool your body is with me! Experiment 1: Finding Your Dominant Leg What to do: Stand relaxed with your feet together about hips […]

10-Minute Videos to Create a Full Cardio Workout

On Wednesdays, I work from home I hope you read that like Mean Girls’ “on Wednesday, we wear pink” quote.  Anyway, my point is sometimes those days get long standing in front of my computer all day.  Don’t get me wrong, I take breaks, but often times they aren’t movement breaks.  Anyone else working from […]

DIY Paper Dice With Exercises!

Dice with Exercises Printable

New discovery: you can make your own paper dice! For those of you who already knew this, congratulations!  If, like me, you just realized this, then you are welcome.  Naturally, I took this a step further to provide you with these DIY Paper Dice With Exercises! Access these gems here! Download and print the PDF. […]

Blogilates’ Three Levels of Pilates Ab Workouts

In case you missed it… Blogilates (an extremely popular fitness YouTuber) recently uploaded a series of 3 Pilates Ab Workouts.  They are broken up into levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced.  Naturally, I decided to do all three in a row and write about it.  Which resulted in this post on Blogilates’ Three Levels of Pilates […]

I Accidentally Made Dessert Hummus

Black Bean Sweet Potato Chocolate Fudge Bars Recipe

Wait what?! You read that right: I accidentally made dessert hummus.  I first heard of dessert hummus a couple of years ago when my friend shared something on it.  I had never tried it though.  Until now! Flash back to last week Wednesdays are my work-from-home days and they can get long.  So I have […]

Movement-Based Red Light Green Light

Right Light Green Light First Page

Happy Friday! I was thinking about what I could share for this week’s kid-inspired movement and this movement-based red light green light came to mind!  What kid doesn’t love a good game of red light, green light?!  Plus, it is a seamless way to include the adults in the movement fun as well.  All you […]

Resistance Band Videos for Any Level

Who else bought resistance bands when the gyms closed? Back in March when gyms and fitness studios starting closing down, one of our first priorities was to get some at-home workout equipment.  I know we were not the only ones because a lot of the equipment was sold out or on back order.  We got […]

If This Then That Workout Game

If This Then That Workout Game Title Slide

Happy Friday! It is time again for a family-friendly Friday workout!  I had a lot of fun creating this one.  I hope you have fun doing it!  Without further ado, enjoy my ‘If This Then That’ workout game! How to Access Click here to view Google Slides Click here for printable PDF version What to […]