Tips for Contributing Your Voice to the Narrative
Let’s talk about using your voice. During my walk today, I was listening to this week’s Next90 episode and it inspired me to share some tips on contributing your voice to the narrative. If you don’t know what that is, The Hollis Co has been providing content for the past 12 weeks with information focusing […]
Remember to Check your Attitude!
Hello! Me again – the past couple of days I have been reflecting on and realizing the need to give myself an attitude check. So it seems fitting to write about the importance of your attitude and catching yourself when it has fallen into a pattern that isn’t doing you good. This week I realized […]
I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about today to tell the truth. But as the hour came to 7 PM and I am still waiting to do a workout with Eric (he is on a phone call right now), I have to remind myself to have grace and not be too upset […]
Reflection on Momentum
Today I want to offer my summary and reflection on the concept of momentum introduced by one of my gals: Rachel Hollis. Backstory: she is doing a next90 day challenge where every week, her or her husband spend 30-60 minutes talking about a certain topic. This week’s topic was momentum and Rachel uses examples from […]
Treat Puzzles!
I want to add some good spirit and joy to the world right now, so today I am going to share the most valuable content you will ever see from me. Videos of my dog’s reaction to his new treat puzzle! Hopefully this can bring a bit of joy to this week. Follow the links […]
What is Essential?
Pittsburgh has gotten the green light to move to the ‘green’ phase of reopening. This means businesses of all sorts are allowed to reopen at limited capacity and following the CDC and PA Dept. of Health guidelines. This means the start of a return to this [new] normal. One quote that has been resonating with […]
How I Choose to be an Ally
Okay guys, I am seeing an overwhelming amount of content on social media that has me feeling a wide range of feelings that I’m struggling to process. In this situation, it is not as simple as choosing not to look at it because I have friends and family in Minneapolis that I want to know […]
Happy Tuesday! In honor of the vibe I’m trying to cultivate during the time at home, I took the Memorial Day holiday off yesterday. Instead of writing, working, or whatever else I could have done to get ahead in my projects, Eric and I went for a long bike ride, got home and enjoyed a […]
Reaching for Joy
Reaching For Joy I’ll be honest, the past couple of days, I have had an arguably short temper. I have been getting frustrated slightly more easily than usual – yesterday specifically, some stuff happened that led to a transition to bed time that had me on my phone right until I went to bed, which […]
Flexibility Real talk: am I the only one who gets anxiety or unease when plans change suddenly? I like to think I’m somewhat laid back, but my Type A personality will tell you otherwise. I like to have plans – arguably for things that don’t matter much. A plan for dinner, a plan for my […]