Happy Friday!

It is time again for a family-friendly Friday workout!  I had a lot of fun creating this one.  I hope you have fun doing it!  Without further ado, enjoy my ‘If This Then That’ workout game!

If This Then That Workout Game Title Slide

How to Access

  1. Click here to view Google Slides
  2. Click here for printable PDF version

What to do!

  1. Set up two ‘sides’ in the room or whatever space you are in.  You can play outside if it is nice out!
  2. Starting on the first page, have everyone pick their preference of the two choices.
  3. Run to the side designated for that option.  The farther away, the better! 😉
  4. Perform the exercise under your choice.  You can choose the number of reps or time!  My suggestions are 10-15 reps or 30-45 seconds
  5. Go to the next page and repeat the fun!
  6. The full set has 20 pages in total – do as many or as few as you want!

Make it your own!

Feel free to add your own personal touch by changing any of the choices and/or exercises on the cards.  You can also use this as a guide to create your own to add more!

More Family-Friendly Fitness:

If you enjoyed the ‘If This Then That’ workout game, check out my other family-friendly workout ideas.

Mad Libs-Inpired Workout

Rhyming Routine for Kids

Printable Exercise Cards

Obstacle Course


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