Eat At Least One Vegetable!
Your body will thank you! I know, I know, it is 6 PM and you already have dinner planned. Maybe you already ate dinner. Did it have a vegetable in it?! If so, yay – I congratulate you! If not, it is not too late to do this today. For most people, dessert or a late-night snack may take the form of something sweet or salty. I’m here to tell you that eating a veggie can still fit into that. Seriously, I’m sure you know the importance of eating vegetables. You can be part of the 1 in 10 Americans that get enough fruit and veggies by making sure you eat them every day.
Adding vegetables to your dinner!
This one is fairly simple! Just add whatever vegetables you have in the house as a side dish. If you are feeling adventurous, you can incorporate it into your main dish too. And you do not have to necessarily use fresh vegetables. If all you have is frozen or canned that works too! Beans count in my opinion! One of my favorite ways to add vegetables to my dinner is baking up a giant tray of cut up broccoli, carrots, and celery. Yes, celery! Baked celery with olive oil and salt/pepper is delicious! Other suggestions are mixing peas into pasta or mac and cheese. Putting mushrooms on your burger. Endless possibilities!
Adding veggies to… dessert?
This one is a little trickier. Some simple suggestions are pan-frying or microwaving carrots with brown sugar or honey. Add some cinnamon for extra antioxidant power! If you have the time, ingredients, and motivation, you can make zucchini bread or muffins. You could even make sweetened zucchini oatmeal!
Late night veggie snack!
This one is easier. Refer to my tip for baked celery. Also, kale chips (similar baking process to the celery) are a great snack to enjoy! Or just simply eat a cucumber or carrots. Or again, whatever veggies you have (frozen or canned work too) in the house. Another opportunity to get creative.
Moral of the story
Just eat at least one veggie! Seriously. It is not too late to do this today! Then eat 2 tomorrow 😉
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