Day 4: Share

Share one of these!

Happy Wednesday! Today is day 4: share.  Just like the name suggests, I want you to share something with someone in your life.  You can do this in a variety of ways which I will elaborate on!  Before or after (or during) go ahead and do the strength workout at the end.  In the theme […]

Day 3: Love Moving Your Body

love moving your body

Let’s talk about how to love exercising Or at least like it!  We are on day 3: love moving your body so I want to focus on just that!  It can be draining to force yourself to do exercises every day that you don’t enjoy.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t always love moving my […]

Day 2: Learn

learn about your body

Let’s Learn Together Today is day 2: learn.  Today I want to continue the theme of getting to know yourself by helping you learn something new about your body!  Our bodies are pretty cool and one of my favorite things is to learn about mine – that’s why I spent 4 years doing just that […]


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