And we are back at Tuesday

Does anyone else find it strange that the weeks are just an endless loop of the same thing repeated over and over again?  Wake up, workout, work, eat, work, workout, eat, sleep… This weird reflection seems fitting on the week we are focusing on routines right?  Anyway, today is day 10: love your routines!

Love Your routines Graphic

What do I mean by this?

By loving your routines, I mean creating habits and routine that you look forward to doing every day.  This may take some trial and error to figure out the dream combination for an awesome routine.  Luckily, you are allowed to give yourself the time and space to figure it out!

Let’s take an example.

Prior to the initial COVID-19 shelter-in-place back in March, I didn’t have much of a morning ‘me-time’ routine.  It was pretty much get up at 5 AM (or earlier) to quick walk the dog, then rush to training before working my other jobs.

Once the gym temporarily closed, I was all of a sudden faced with mornings to myself.  At first, I did not know what to do with myself.  After some playing around, I discovered an unrealized love for sitting down at the table and sipping my coffee while reading my book.  I absolutely love personal development books so that was what I read most often.  The book allowed me to be inspired and motivated for the day and the coffee gave me the energy to tackle whatever the day had in store for me!

Knowing that I loved this routine that I had formed allowed me to have so much excitement for the mornings.  It also improved my sleep.  Instead of waking up in the middle of the night anticipating the rushing that the morning brings, I sleep better knowing that I have a morning routine that I am excited for!

What can you do?

Think about any areas of your day-to-day routine that you dread or wish were different.  Consider how you can revamp them into a routine that you love and look forward to!  It may take a couple of different tries to find the right configuration of activities, but stick with it.  Then use your new routine to foster more love and joy in each of your days!

Time for some cardio!

Today is also cardio day.

Click here for various 10-minute cardio workouts at home

Great work on completing day 10: love your routines!

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