Welcome to My New Project!


Welcome to My New Project

And in a Google Doc on May 1st, 2020, she became an entrepreneur (even though she still struggled to spell that word).  With a Master of Science in Adapted Physical Activity and one online Introduction to Entrepreneurship course from the community college under her belt, she thought: “What better time than when we’ve been in quarantine for a month and a half due to a global pandemic and my fiance has been dropping hints for me to start doing this?!”

Well world, that she is me, Emilia Hobbs, and although this is starting off like some cliche first-person narrated children’s book, I am serious.  So serious that the idea popped in my head as something I wanted to do, I thought about it for an hour while walking Django (the best dog ever) and then some more when I went for a 1.5 mile run.  When I got back, I picked up the laptop and started writing.  Not much different than my other big life decisions like going to graduate school 13 hours away from home or randomly moving away from a job offer to just to be in a different city.

Okay, I hear you: “where is she going with this?”.  Well now that you have an idea of how my mind works and where I am coming from, I’ll tell you.  I am officially entering into the over saturated world of virtual personal training during a time where everyone is stuck at home and a large amount of personal trainers have been making videos and doing virtual training for months – if not more!  It’s a recipe for mediocrity and/or failure – and I’m okay with that.  If I’ve learned anything in my non-professional business experience, it’s that failure is good and it is where growth happens.

So with my logic, here are some possible scenarios with the resulting outcomes:

  • Scenario 1: No one cares or looks at anything I do and I ‘wasted’ a bunch of time putting everything together
    • Outcome: Ummm, no… This was not wasted time, I learned a new skill and a new world that I had not been exposed to previously.  Read the last sentence of the previous paragraph and know that you grew and now have one less hurdle to jump over on your next endeavor.  Plus I’m unemployed, what else do I have to do with my time?!
  • Scenario 2: Moderate success and I reach some friends/family/previous clients and I make little or no money.
    • Outcome: Hey cool – I theoretically must have done something right to reach someone.  Take what worked, get feedback from those who drank my gluten-free, high protein, keto, non-GMO Kool-Aid, and use it to do better next time.
  • Scenario 3: Huge fame and fortune with millions of dollars of revenue in the first month.
    • Outcome: Watch out world, this girl is coming for you!

There you have it – the three things that could come from this.  There is no in between!

Alright so now that I have my ideas in the most well thought out and exceptionally written way, it’s time to lay out my next steps/action items for the upcoming week, in order of randomness:

  1. Go camping this weekend to hike, read, and maybe reflect on/write some ideas down.
  2. Create an informal and not at all properly done business plan to provide myself with direction.
  3. Make a schedule for myself – set aside time each day to work on this and accomplish tasks!
  4. Update website in order to have a better online presence.

Let’s do this – here’s to world domination learning something new and seeing if anything comes out of it!  Watch out world!

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